IBM Cloud Docs
Setting up the CLI

Setting up the CLI

Use the IBM Cloud Schematics command-line plug-in to automate the infrastructure provisioning process, the configuration of your resources, and the deployment of app workloads. The IBM Cloud® Schematics command-line supports the following platform architectures:

  • Mac OS X 64-bit
  • Mac OS arm64
  • Windows™ 64-bit
  • Windows™ 32-bit
  • Linux™ 64-bit
  • Linux™ arm64
  • Linux™ 32-bit
  • PowerLinux™ 64-bit
  • System/390 Linux™ 64-bit

Installing the IBM Cloud command-line

Install the required command-line to start using IBM Cloud Schematics.

  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI.

    Plan to use the command-line often? Try Enabling shell auto completion for IBM Cloud command-line (Linux/MacOS only).

  2. Log in to the IBM Cloud CLI. Enter your IBM Cloud credentials when prompted.

    ibmcloud login

    If you have a federated ID, use ibmcloud login --sso to log in to the IBM Cloud CLI. Enter your user name and use the provided URL in your command-line output to retrieve your one-time passcode. You know that you have a federated ID when the login fails without the --sso and succeeds with the --sso option.

Installing the IBM Cloud Schematics command-line plug-in

Install the IBM Cloud Schematics plug-in to automate cloud operations, configuration management, and infrastructure deployments. You can also install Schematics plugin in Cloud Shell.

  1. Install the IBM Cloud command-line plug-in for Schematics.

    ibmcloud plugin install schematics
  2. Verify that the IBM Cloud Schematics command-line plug-in is installed successfully. The plug-in is listed as schematics.

    ibmcloud plugin list

    Example output

    Listing installed plug-ins...
    Plugin Name                             Version   Status             Private endpoints supported   
    schematics                              1.12.15                        true  
  3. Verify that you can use the Schematics command-line plug-in by listing all supported commands. The command prefix to work with the Schematics command-line plug-in is ibmcloud schematics.

    ibmcloud schematics help

    Example output

    ibmcloud schematics - Automate the deployment and management of IBM Cloud resources using Infrastructure as Code
    ibmcloud schematics command [arguments...] [command options]
    action, ac           Create and manage Schematics actions. Action let you define the source control repository that contains your playbook yamls etc. and pass environment-specific variables.
    agent, ag            Create and manage agents. Visit '' to know more about agents.
    apply                Apply a plan to an workspace to deploy the latest version of your configuration.
    destroy              Destroy resources in an existing workspace. This action cannot be reversed.
    inventory, iv        Create and manage Schematics Inventories. Inventory let you define host group that can contain INI or Resource Query id's
    job, j               Create and manage Schematics jobs. Job let you manage all the jobs like creating/deleting/updating/retrieving.
    kms                  listing and enabling IBM Cloud Schematics kms instances and root keys .
    logs                 Show details about actions that ran against an workspace.
    output               Get all the output values from your workspace; (ex. result of terraform output command
    plan                 Create a plan for an workspace. Plans show how resources would change if you applied the latest version of your workspace configuration.
    policy, plcy         Create and manage policies. Policies tell Schematics which agent it should use to execute Terraform and Ansible jobs in a specific network zone.
    refresh              Refresh the workspace with latest version of your workspace configuration.
    resource-query, rq   Create and manage Schematics Resource Query. Resource query let you define conditions to fetch host group that can be used to perform actions
    state                Advanced state management
    version              Report version information about the IBM Cloud Schematics CLI.
    workspace, ws        Create and manage workspaces. Workspaces let you define the source control repository that contains your Terraform configuration and pass workspace-specific variables.
    help, h              Show help
    Enter 'ibmcloud schematics help [command]' for more information about a command

Updating the CLI

Update the IBM Cloud command-line and the Schematics command-line plug-in periodically to get access to new features.

  1. Update the IBM Cloud CLI.

  2. Log in to the IBM Cloud CLI. Enter your IBM Cloud credentials when prompted.

    ibmcloud login

    If you have a federated ID, use ibmcloud login --sso to log in to the IBM Cloud CLI. Enter your user name and use the provided URL in your command-line output to retrieve your one-time passcode. You know you have a federated ID when the login fails without the --sso and succeeds with the --sso option.

  3. Check if an update is available for the Schematics command-line plug-in. If an update is available, you find an Update available notification in your command-line output.

    ibmcloud plugin list | grep schematics

    Example output

    schematics                      1.12.15        Update Available           false
  4. Update the Schematics command-line plug-in.

    For Schematics Agent, the Schematics plug-in version must be greater than the 1.12.12 version.

    ibmcloud plugin update schematics
    ibmcloud plugin list | grep schematics

    Example output

    schematics[sch]                      1.12.15        true
  5. Show the Schematics plug-in.

    ibmcloud plugin show schematics

    Example output

    Plugin Name                              schematics[sch]
    Plugin Version                           1.12.15
    Plugin SDK Version                       1.2.0
    Minimal IBM Cloud CLI version required   0.15.1
    Private endpoints supported              true
    schematics,sch                     Automate the deployment and management of IBM Cloud resources using Infrastructure as Code
    schematics,sch workspace,ws        Create and manage workspaces. Workspaces let you define the source control repository that contains your Terraform configuration and pass workspace-specific variables.
    schematics,sch action,ac           Create and manage Schematics actions. Action let you define the source control repository that contains your playbook yamls etc. and pass environment-specific variables.
    schematics,sch job,j               Create and manage Schematics jobs. Job let you manage all the jobs like creating/deleting/updating/retrieving.
    schematics,sch plan                Create a plan for an workspace. Plans show how resources would change if you applied the latest version of your workspace configuration.
    schematics,sch apply               Apply a plan to an workspace to deploy the latest version of your configuration.
    schematics,sch refresh             Refresh the workspace with latest version of your workspace configuration.
    schematics,sch destroy             Destroy resources in an existing workspace. This action cannot be reversed.
    schematics,sch output              Get all the output values from your workspace; (ex. result of terraform output command
    schematics,sch version             Report version information about the IBM Cloud Schematics CLI.
    schematics,sch logs                Show details about actions that ran against an workspace.
    schematics,sch state               Advanced state management
    schematics,sch kms                 listing and enabling IBM Cloud Schematics kms instances and root keys .
    schematics,sch inventory,iv        Create and manage Schematics Inventories. Inventory let you define host group that can contain INI or Resource Query id's
    schematics,sch resource-query,rq   Create and manage Schematics Resource Query. Resource query let you define conditions to fetch host group that can be used to perform actions
    schematics,sch agent,ag            Create and manage agents. Visit '' to know more about agents.
    schematics,sch policy,plcy         Create and manage policies. Policies tell Schematics which agent it should use to execute Terraform and Ansible jobs in a specific network zone.

Uninstalling the IBM Cloud Schematics command-line plug-in

Uninstall the IBM Cloud Schematics plug-in to remove the Schematics plugin from your local system.

  1. Uninstall the IBM Cloud command-line plug-in for Schematics.

    ibmcloud plugin uninstall schematics

    Example output

    Uninstalling plug-in 'schematics'...
    Plug-in 'schematics' was successfully uninstalled.
  2. Verify that the IBM Cloud Schematics command-line plug-in is uninstalled successfully.

    ibmcloud plugin list | grep schematics