IBM Cloud Docs
Setting up your API environment

Setting up your API environment

Before you can use the Direct Link API, you must set up your environment.

General prerequisites

Set up your account to access the direct link. Make sure that your account is upgraded to a paid account.

API prerequisites

Before you can use the API to interact with a direct link, you must get an IAM token, store the endpoint as a variable, and verify that you have access to the IBM Cloud Direct Link API service.

The following examples use the global endpoint.

Step 1: Store your API key as a variable

Run the following command to store the API key for your account in an environment variable. If you don't have an API key, see Creating an API key.


Step 2: Get an IBM Identity and Access Management (IAM) token

Run the following command to get and parse an IAM token by using the JSON processing utility jq. You can modify the command to use another parsing tool, or you can remove the last part of the command if you prefer to manually parse the token.

IAM_TOKEN=`curl -k -X POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --data-urlencode "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey" \
  --data-urlencode "apikey=$apikey" \
  ""  |jq -r '(.token_type + " " + .access_token)'`

To view the IAM token, run echo $IAM_TOKEN. The result should look like this:

Bearer <your_token>

The Authorization header expects the token to begin with Bearer. If the result doesn't include Bearer, update the iam_token variable to include it. These examples assume that Bearer is included in the IAM_TOKEN.

Because the IAM token expires, you must repeat the preceding step to refresh your token every hour.

Step 3: Store the API endpoint as a variable

Run the following command to store the API endpoint in a variable so that it can be reused later in your session.

Public endpoint:


Virtual private endpoint:


To verify that the variable was saved, run echo $directlink_api_endpoint and ensure that the response is not empty.

Step 4: Store the API version as a variable

Every API request must include the version parameter, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Run the following command to store the version date in a variable so that it can be reused in your session. For more information about setting the version parameter, see Versioning in the Direct Link API.


To verify that this variable was saved, run echo $api_version and make sure that the response is not empty.

Step 5: Verify that you have API access

If you run into unexpected results, add the --verbose (debug) flag after the curl command to obtain detailed logging information.

  • Call the List Available Locations API to see the locations available for your direct link, in JSON format. At least one object should return.

    This example lists the locations available for a Direct Link Dedicated gateway. For Direct Link Connect, simply substitute connect for dedicated.

    curl -X GET "$directlink_api_endpoint/v1/offering_types/dedicated/locations?version=$api_version"   -H "Authorization: $IAM_TOKEN"
  • Call the List gateways API to see any direct links that you already created under your account, in JSON format.

    curl -X GET "$directlink_api_endpoint/v1/gateways?version=$api_version"   -H "Authorization: $IAM_TOKEN"